Friday, May 30, 2014

Healing of heart, 11 people received Jesus

The woman on the right in the photo, said her heart been healed

I shared Good News while serving volunteers from "Day Care" center. Good News is never changes and always has the same power because Jesus is no longer on the cross - He's alive.
"Day Care" center has about 50 people so we were distributed into 5 groups in order that each of YWAM KC team was able to serve people.
Brooke told her testimony and her story so touched one woman that she started to cry and continued even after the prayer of blessing for everyone. Woman also thanked us that we tell the Gospel.
All 11 people prayed with me when I was invited to repeat the prayer of repentance. Then I prayed and blessed each of them and Brooke also participated in it.
Today my love Manzura stayed home because she needs to rest and complete healing form cough. So I felt like half a person.
Lord Jesus is faithful: after the prayer of blessing one woman told that her heart been healed :)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Healing of a boy in hospital

Yesterday May 29, 2014 we were serving in hospital. Manzura been asked to pray for a little boy. Doctor was not sure with his diagnosis.
As we approached the boy just handle sticking stretched down and the child was very cold. After the prayers, he began to breathe deeply and move his arms. Later we learned that grandmother and the boy's mother panicked when he had a fever 40 degrees and began to pour water on it to keep his body. Grandmother frantically tried to help her grandson doing something that was no longer needed when Shenny came. It seems the boy just got freezing because of the water. But after the prayers everything changed!
Mother and grandmother received Jesus as Saviour in prayer and renounced the fear of losing the boy. Face of grandmother transformed after prayer and start to shine with smile.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Ministry in prison: 23 men got healed!

Near the prison gates after the ministry

Yersterday our YWAM KC team came back from Negros Island to Cebu City.
It was ~12 hours in the bus and on the boat.

And today we tried to find American consulate in Cebu because we need to renew visa for my honey Manzura. It was closed there. But taxi driver was accepted Jesus in prayer and he saw bright cloud with many angels during prayer for healing and blessing.

Afternoon we came to prison with our team.
It was a lot of men in prison but only ~150-200 people attending the church on the roof there.
Jesus gave me an honor and mercy to preach there. So I shared simple message of Good News started from creation and finished on Jesus Christ.
I invited people to came forward for healing prayer. All our team prayed for them.
And I checked who was healed asking people to check themselves.
We found 23 men been healed.
And we made our shout to Jesus for this miracles!
I'm gratefull to the Lord Jesus that He entrusted it to me today to preach about His glorious cross!
It's a joy for me to share from my heart about gratest grace of Jesus!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Preaching the Gospel in two iRC communities

May 3, 2014
Eight people accepted Jesus and three got healed (in the morning)

Nine people accepted the Lord and again 3 got healed (afternoon)

Today we came to the next village near Cabacangan (Negros Island) and shared Good News with family and their neighbors (8 people). They all embraced the gospel carefully listening to us and accepted the Lord in prayer. After the prayer of blessing and protection of their families and salvation we found:
- a grandmother who could not hear good before began to hear well
- a husband of the grandmother, the head of the family, was healed from the pain in his left knee (maybe it was arthritis)
- goiter of another woman decreased significantly (healing in process)

In the afternoon we came to another village - I led short prayer for the dedication of the new center iRC to the Lord Jesus and shared Good News of Jesus Christ. Nine people have accepted Jesus in prayer. After praying for the healing 3 women got rid from:
- deafness
- headaches
- eye disease

Our result of the day:
17 received salvation
6 healed from diseases

Jesus is awesome! Even when it's hard because you tired it is worthy to preach His amazing Good News!
Saturday stood out nice :)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The right ear of 12 years old boy in the orphanage is healed

May 1, 2014

The right ear of 12 years old Thomas is hearing now as good as the left ear

We spent more time with our kid Thomas during our small group today in the morning. We found that he can't hear with his right ear, because he fell down during some ride in the age of 6 years old.

We prayed all together in the end of our meeting in the name of Jesus. And at 1:30pm before we went to his fathers house I asked brother M to translate my question about his right ear. Thomas told us that now he can hear well both with right and left ear.

Jesus, I'm excited! You are so good and loving and close to us, just as You told in your word( Mat 28:18-20)!  It is You the one who doing this miracles by the power of Your name!

Brother M has totally clear lungs and breath paths now

After 38 years of cough because of smoking a lot it's gone forever!

We came to IRC community which is the orphanage and the church with many small groups in the poorest area here on Monday April 28, 2014. The next day we visited three families, encouraging them to follow Jesus and declaring blessings over them.
 It is Philippine brother M in our team. He started coughing after the prayer in the 3d family. When we went out I asked why he is coughing. He he told that he was smoking a lot before he came to Jesus.
I proposed to pray for his healing and we prayed with my honey wife. Irritation stopped right after the prayer. And today 3 days later he shared with us that he feels God presence with us and he is very happy because Jesus used us to heal him from this cough. This cough was since 1976 and brother M has totally clear lungs and breath paths now. He shared that he is absolutely fine today.
Brother M also shared today that doctors refused his case because they told his lungs was destroyed by nicotine. Surprise: he has the new ones from Jesus now :)
Jesus loves to bring health, restoration and encouragement and lavish His love on us!
После 38 лет кашля из-за заядлого курения, кашель ушел навсегда!

Мы приехали в IRC (это и детский приют и церковь в самом бедном регионе Кабангана) в понедельник 28 апреля 2014. На следующий день мы посетили три семьи, поощряя их следовать за Иисусом и провозглашая благословения над ними.
В нашей команде есть филиппинский брат М. Он начал кашлять после того как мы закончили молитву за 3-ю семьи. Когда мы вышли, я спросил, почему он кашляет. Он рассказал, что он курил очень много, прежде чем он пришел к Иисусу.
Я предложил, чтобы помолиться за его исцеление, и мы молились с моей любимой. Раздражение и кашель прекратились прямо после молитвы. И сегодня 2 дня спустя он поделился с нами, что он чувствует присутствие Божье с нами. И он очень счастлив, потому что Иисус использовал нас, чтобы исцелить его от этого кашля. Этот кашель длился с 1976 года. А сейчас брат М имеет совершенно чистые легкие и дыхательные пути. Он поделился, что он сегодня превосходно чувствует себя с момента молитвы 2 дня назад. Также он добавил, что всегда верил, что Бог исцелит его, если Он хочет использовать его в служении. Брат M также рассказал, что врачи отказались его лечить, потому что они сказали его легкие были разрушены никотином. Сюрприз: у него есть новые легкие от Иисуса сейчас :)
Иисус любит щедро изливать Свою любовь на каждого из нас, принося здоровье, восстановление и поддержку!